REVIEW REPOST – Furchick’s stop motion animations

Furchick – Ever ready to shine a light. This has brightened the Monday gloom. Thanks Yeah I Know it Sucks.

Yeah I Know It Sucks

1Not very long ago we featured the new ‘Chris Cunningham’ of the next generation Jan Strach, but it’s only fair that there should be a female counter part to claim this precious throne of video art. Without all too much extravaganza I would like to inform you that our team of reporters and researchers did find the female ‘Cunningham’ of our next generation. Strangely this creative video artist had been sitting right under our noses, camouflaged as an experimental sound musician. Let’s give you a hint; it’s furry and has feathers?


But how is that possible, how on earth can Furchick be the female next generation ‘Cunningham’? Well, ladies and gentle males as you must know by now; everything is possible! And I might even make the remark that besides everything being possible; nothing is impossible!

Many scientists did take a good skeptical look at the proof that…

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