Review Reblog – Valentina Villarroel – Sin Titulo

Yeah I Know It Sucks

Artist: valentinavillarroel
Title: Sin Titulo
Keywords:ambient circuit bending experimental hacking circuit recordings recordings Concepción

Stumbling upon valentinavillarroel’s Sin Titulo through the Feminiatronic website and loving it’ was exactly what had happened to me & could have happened to you too. My coincidental stumble was a good one as before I knew it I felt surrounded by the possibilities of circuit bending, electronics and music that had not been heard before. Titulo had the warm sounds of electronic niftiness all crackling and rattling in a super nice way, the only familiarities had to be something that sounded like a beat; how exciting!

I don’t know how exactly these tracks on the Sin Titulo had been made, but they come across born through pure experimentation. Sin Titulo number two has something that made me think of the higher animalistic spirit from a cyborg-mouse in heath & it sounded so alive that…

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